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High-risk pregnancy


For the vast majority of women, pregnancy follows a routine course. 然而,有些妇女有与她们的健康或婴儿的健康有关的医疗困难. These women experience what is called a high-risk pregnancy.

高危并发症的发生率只有6%到8%. 这些并发症可能很严重,需要特别护理以确保最好的结果.

While some problems are unavoidable, 加州大学旧金山分校的产科十大赌博平台排行榜——在高危妊娠护理方面受过特殊培训并获得委员会认证的产科十大赌博平台排行榜——致力于减少并发症,帮助你实现最健康的妊娠.

Our approach to high-risk pregnancy

加州大学旧金山分校为怀孕或考虑怀孕的妇女提供十大赌博平台排行榜一流的护理. Each pregnancy is unique. When medical conditions affect the health of a pregnant woman or her baby, 我们的团队具有提供高度专业化所需的培训和经验, comprehensive care. Our doctors, nurses and support staff coordinate all aspects of your care, from consultation, testing and diagnosis through delivery and long-term follow-up. Each year, 我们用最先进的技术接生了数百名高危孕妇的婴儿, family-oriented birth center.

加州大学旧金山分校在产前诊断和治疗出生缺陷方面处于十大赌博平台排行榜领先地位. 今天使用的许多胎儿手术和内窥镜胎儿干预都是在这里开创的. We are also home to one of the nation's finest intensive care nurseries, 也是加州唯一一家专门为患有复杂先天缺陷的儿童提供长期随访护理的诊所.


A pregnancy may be considered high-risk for a variety of reasons. Some of these include:

  • 母亲在怀孕前就有疾病,比如糖尿病
  • 母亲在怀孕期间出现疾病,如先兆子痫
  • The mother experienced problems in a previous pregnancy, such as miscarriage
  • Problems are detected in the developing baby
  • Complications occur during pregnancy, such as premature labor
  • The mother is pregnant with multiples (twins or more)

在加州大学旧金山分校,我们治疗所有可能影响女性怀孕的疾病. Our doctors have special training in treating diabetes in pregnancy, preterm labor, recurrent miscarriages, and fetal abnormalities.


Fortunately, 技术进步有助于改善对高危孕妇的诊断和治疗. UCSF provides specialized fetal imaging techniques, such as MRI, to detect various conditions in the mother and baby. Our Prenatal Diagnosis Center offers the latest tests used to evaluate a developing baby. Some of these tests are available in only a few centers nationwide, and can be performed as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy.


多胞胎并不一定意味着你的怀孕会有问题. However, 怀多胞胎的女性确实更有可能出现高血压和早产等并发症. For this reason, all multiple pregnancies are considered high-risk.

Prenatal care

由于并发症的风险较高,期待多胞胎的妇女需要特殊的产前护理. At UCSF, some of the differences in prenatal care include:

  • More frequent visits. We schedule prenatal visits more frequently than for a singleton pregnancy, so we can watch for early signs of complications.
  • Additional testing. Because multiples and their moms are more likely to develop complications, they need more tests to diagnose problems and monitor fetal development. 超声波检查每四到六周进行一次,以确保你的宝宝正常生长. You also may decide to have additional genetic testing, although it can be more complicated to test multiples than singletons. Your provider or a genetic counselor at the Prenatal Diagnosis Center can answer any questions you have about which tests are best for you.

UCSF's Great Expectations 产前教育计划为期待多胞胎的家庭提供特殊课程.

Premature birth

多胎妊娠被认为风险较高的原因之一是,50%的多胎妊娠早产. A premature delivery occurs prior to 37 weeks of gestation, while a normal full-term pregnancy lasts 38 to 42 weeks. Every effort is made to prolong your pregnancy as long as possible, 为了减少婴儿早产时可能发生的一些风险. Premature infants may have problems with breathing and digesting.

如果您的宝宝早产或出现任何其他并发症,需要新生儿专科十大赌博平台排行榜(专门照顾患病新生儿的儿科十大赌博平台排行榜)的护理,您可以在UCSF贝尼奥夫儿童十大赌博平台排行榜获得知名专家和服务, one of the highest-ranked pediatric programs in California. 该十大赌博平台排行榜拥有最先进的设施来照顾早产儿,包括 Intensive Care Nursery.

UCSF Health medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

Recommended reading

Anemia and Pregnancy

在怀孕的后半段,你的身体会产生更多的红细胞,这会导致贫血. Learn more about causes and prevention here.

Birth Center Tour

Congratulations on your pregnancy! 本视频和常见问题解答将指导您在到达十大赌博平台排行榜之前和之后会发生什么.

Coping With Common Discomforts of Pregnancy

Pregnancy produces many physical changes. 除了体重和体型,你的身体化学和功能也会发生其他变化. Learn more.

Diabetes in Pregnancy

Gestational diabetes refers to diabetes that is diagnosed during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes occurs in about 7 percent of all pregnancies. Learn more.

Dietary Recommendations for Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes occurs in about 7 percent of all pregnancies. 它通常出现在怀孕的后半段,宝宝一出生就消失了.

Domestic Violence and Pregnancy

家庭暴力是怀孕期间妇女最常见的健康问题. It greatly threatens both the mother's and baby's health. Learn more here.

Eating Right Before and During Pregnancy

在怀孕前和怀孕期间获得所需的营养是很重要的. Find more nutrition information including macros here.

Exercise During Pregnancy

Most women can, and should, engage in moderate exercise during pregnancy. 锻炼可以帮助你保持体形,让你的身体为分娩做好准备

FAQ: Prenatal Tests

Commonly asked questions regarding Prenatal Tests including, types available, positive screenings, diagnostic testing, health insurance coverage, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions About Zika Virus

If you're currently expecting or plan on becoming pregnant soon, the Zika virus is probably on your mind. Here are answers to some common concerns about Zika.

Gestational Diabetes: Counting Carbs

Counting your carbohydrate intake due to gestational diabetes? 使用这些含有30克碳水化合物的菜单来简化你的节食.

HIV and Pregnancy

If you are pregnant, 即使您认为自己没有感染风险,我们也建议您接受人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)检测. Learn more here.

Recognizing Premature Labor

Premature labor occurs between the 20th and 37th week of pregnancy, when uterine contractions cause the cervix to open earlier than normal. Learn more.

Sex During Pregnancy

The pregnancy may alter how a woman and her partner feel about making love, and differences in sexual need may arise. Learn more here.

Substance Use During Pregnancy

While pregnant, it is best to eat well, 保持健康,避免摄入任何可能对母亲或婴儿健康有害的东西. Learn more.

Where to get care (10)

    Patient stories

    At 19 weeks, they did a laser procedure to separate the connections…At 35 weeks, I had two beautiful, healthy babies.

    Meghann Bauer

    At 15 weeks pregnant with twin boys, Meghann Bauer was devastated to learn that the babies' lives were at risk. She was diagnosed with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, a circulation imbalance that can occur when twins share the same placenta, in which one twin receives too much blood and the other too little. 鲍尔的十大赌博平台排行榜向她保证,有治疗方法,最好的地方是加州大学旧金山分校.

    Read more about Meghann Bauer's story

    Elianna's story

    Dr. Tippi MacKenzie is stopping disease before it starts – in the womb. In a first-of-its-kind clinical trial, 她将孕妇的干细胞移植到她们自己的胎儿身上,以治疗α型地中海贫血(ATM)。, 一种潜在的致命疾病,可导致出生前进行性贫血和心力衰竭.

    The first patient enrolled in the clinical trial was born in February 2018. Her name is Elianna.


    Elianna's Story, Part 1: Lifesaving Care Before Birth
    Elianna's Story, Part 2: Thriving After Fetal Stem Cell Transplant

    Support services


    Great Expectations Pregnancy Classes

    Get ready for the baby! 从各种各样的课程中选择,为妈妈和伴侣准备怀孕, birth, baby care, breastfeeding and parenting.

    Patient Resource

    Lactation Consultant Support

    Get support for all your breastfeeding needs. 与哺乳顾问一起解决问题,寻找设备和用品,加入支持小组等等.


    Stop Smoking/Vaping/Chewing Class

    Get help quitting. 我们的烟瘾专家将指导您完成为期四周的戒烟课程, health and how to quit.

    Patient Resource

    Women's Health Resource Center

    Access free health resources here, from classes and webinars to support groups and medical referrals, plus pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding services.
